I realize now that in two thousand and seventeen Was the last time that I wrote on this blog... So what has happened since then?
Well... I just kind of forgot about this particular blog For about a year and a half and then when covid hit our world
Time unfortunately paused for everyone... Even me... And then I got sick with it... Two weeks of torture and hell... Unrelenting pain In parts of my body I never knew could experience that level of pain... At one point... Seriously thought I was going to die... Eight days of not eating, Drinking very limited fluids, And feeling like death had a hand on me... That was the experience for about three weeks... But before all that my work schedule went into complete overload... I had A essential job... I didn't get to stay home... While almost everybody stayed home during the sickness... I was working for amazon... Eleven to twelve hour shifts.... Six days a week... Helping people with toilet paper, And cleaning supplies... The toilet paper shortage And the hand sanitizer shortage Was truly mind blowing... And then I remember a certain jackass Buying so much hand sanitizer that he was selling it for a $1000. A bottle or something crazy like that... Just because he could while other people were dying that needed it... hospitals overflowed... I remember my one friend calling me from new york Telling me he lost four people in one day... Is all from the damn sickness That people thought was a joke... And then I lost my best friend devin... And I didn't think it was possible... A lot of things happened during those months that I will never forget and honestly I think the world should never Either... Then in twenty twenty when my dad died... That was a huge blow as well... Is knowing that both of my parents have made it to the other side.... Life just kind of continued until tonight. When I was looking at something and I realized that I totally forgot about this blog... I wanted all to know that i'm alive and well... A lot of things have changed me... If i'm more humble than I was back then... A kind of feel like I don't need to go out as much... I become kind of a hermit in many ways... Not because i'm scared to go out... It's more of... What do I really need to go out for?
I recently turned forty four, I'm on my way of buying my house It's a mortgage but I'll get there, My car is running good, My spouse is doing well even after losing her own mother as well this past year... She lost her mom the day after thanksgiving... what a way to leave us... But that's how life goes... You don't choose the expiration date... It chooses you... So with that being said... Live your life the best you can as my mother once said... Live your life until you cannot breathe... I think that's where i'm at right now... I'm so sorry that I haven't been able to update this blog in a long time but... I think under the circumstances you can understand... I don't know who reads this.. But hopefully... You still wanted to know where I disappeared to.. And I hope that you are alive and well whoever you are... Leave a comment won't you? i'm curious how many people are going to actually read this... I mean not too many people read it 2017 But I can definitely tell there were a few people that did ( over 100 )
So if this Get spotted by you... Would you kindly leave me a message letting me know?
Who knows... Maybe if I get enough people to read... Maybe I'll write another update A year from now... Until Then you can always follow me on youtube/ Facebook
And as I always say on youtube... Until then take care of yourselves and each other... :)
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