Greetings and salutations...
On my blog today I was thinking about my uncle who recently passed...
He was an amazing guy he lived his life never thinking about what he wouldn't do.
My uncle never questioned what I wanted to do in my life.. even after several family members told me I was nuts
So in honor of him I am doing his tribute video and I will post it here on my blog or at least a link to it. My uncle is 1 of the main reasons I got into the field of study.. his kind words, encouragement, understanding... I will be forever grateful for receiving... he had a way with humor too I think I take so much of my humor also from him .... he once told me ..... kid if it ain't broke... take a baseball bat to it... back then I didn't understand his metaphor... as I got older I finally understood it. I think in his way he was saying if you can't fix something or understand something don't worry too much about it... come back and try again...
I think at the time I was having issues with who i was as person I think this is his way of saying I accept you for whatever you are... and nothing is gonna change that even if your broken... this is what made my uncle so awesome he never complained about life he went full steam ahead...and never really looked back... I learned a lot in my early life from my uncle and it's truly someone I'm going to miss.. his laugh was legendary in our was infectious.. once he started to laugh... everyone laughed... I know for a fact he would not want me to mourn his death... but I can't help it.. sorry uncle wally it's not going to happen that way... you were an amazing man you deserve to be honored, cherished, and wrote about...
You lived the life that most people have dreams about.. you overcame adversity in all of its highest forms and even though it was tough.... you never once said I can't do it or I give up... your energy, love, and spirit will always remain the blood of this family... my family... your family...
If there is a heaven I hope you reach it soon but I will say 1 thing
knowing you... you probably are taking a boat and going for the long journey listening to the patterns of the waves ...
Thank you for everything you did for me
You were a gentleman, an amazing father, the awesome uncle, a good friend, and a loving husband...
Rest well uncle... heaven is waiting for you.
grab a seat next to grandpa and crack open a bottle of fire water
You did good...
Love ya,
Your nephew dale

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